Monday, July 22, 2013

To the lake......

When Micheal has the day off and it's over 90 degrees we usually always find some water to jump in. He wanted to take us to the spot he went scuba diving in awhile back. Clear water. We could see to the bottom. A waterfall. No one else there. A swing. Time with my family with nothing pressing to accomplish. It all adds up to a very good day. ;) 

Then there is this one.....

That's a king size quilt. Do you think he stayed on it for any amount of time? 
Since he could move he has wiggled, crawled and rolled off the blanket and into the grass or in this case dirt and rocks. He only put it into his mouth once. Dear LORD, help him to be a fast learner!! 

He loves to be outside. He gets grumpy and we go sit outside and all is well in his world again. He was so content in the dirt he didn't try and crawl to the water which was a huge blessing to Micheal and I because it meant it was relaxing for us! 

Side note..... I love this man. 

The kids all want to do scuba since Daddy does it. They have to be 8, so when Zade has his birthday, him and Grace will do it together. They call the program bubble makers. That makes me happy.  For me, I would rather spend money on a new lens for the camera but I think Micheal and I would have a blast together so I will probably eventually get certified. Getting under water camera gear would be an added bonus. 

It's days like this that make the long days of work more bearable. I'm thankful for God's creation to recharge our batteries. And for a family that has fun together! 

Isn't Idaho beautiful? 

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