Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week one of this fabulous year, 2013

I know that most people don't write checks anymore but I still do and I have to say I was a bit surprised to write my first check of the year and not put the wrong year! Still looks a little weird to me but we have a few hundred more days to get used to 2013! 

I have never really done resolutions but this year I compiled a little list of things I would love to improve on or accomplish. Some I will make happen with sheer determination and by the grace of God  and some will probably just stay in my notebook sad and lonely, wanting more attention. The kids and I read that Ben Franklin kept a list of things in his pocket that he wanted to work on personally. He would take the notebook out and look it over every once in a while to make sure he was staying on track and to remind him to keep doing them. I love this idea! I am hoping to make a pretty list and hang it up in my bedroom so I can see it often. I need constant reinforcements and reminders! 

As you can see from the picture above, paying off debt is a big one this year. For the last few months, 
Micheal and I have been really making a plan for our lives and we don't get far because we know we must pay off debt first. As Christians we plan, but ultimately we pray for God's will and pray our stubborn hearts will accept God's will. :) 

Part B of paying off debt is to save money. From every paycheck. God will show us what to do with the money when the time comes. 

Leading our children in the Lord. Always on the forefront of my brain, but not always executed well. 

The word of the year for me is VISION. 

Having a vision will help things get done. The priorities will take their proper place and the rest will be thrown out. I plan to keep going back to my list to keep myself focused on the vision. 

I want to see productivity and accomplish things! I am a procrastinator and honestly just not that passionate of a person. I want to work on those things though! I have been praying earnestly for passion in all the right places. 

Cultivate a new friendship. I just read Living on the Edge by Chip Ingram and was inspired to figure out who exactly God created me to be and to walk in that. Also to serve others with a happy heart and to love, love, love, even (and especially!) when it is hard. I tend to want friendships but not be willing to give all of myself. Lord help me to be vulnerable with a few close friends. 

Limiting distractions and practicing restraint are the two that will prove to be the hardest for me. 
I love sweets but want to lose this baby weight and be healthy. 
I love the internet but my husband, children and home need me. I need to use my time wisely! 
I love sleep but life is, well, life and there is always something to get done or enjoy. Quiet times in the morning before my kids wake would be beneficial!  
I love to shop but our savings plan will. not. happen. if I don't commit to it. 

There are SO many more but those are the ones that I am really committing to and praying over. 

Lots of snow the last couple of weeks. It is melting away today so I am glad we jumped out of the car and snapped a couple pictures yesterday! All these feet are growing so fast! 

I finished this quilt finally! I love it. It is sewn terribly but that's alright with me. I hope to do another one but take my time and make it as nice as possible instead of just trying to get it done quickly and literally shoving it through my sewing machine like this one! Yeah. 

This first week has been a good start to hopefully a great year! 

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